
What makes OpenSM™ different from all other frameworks, standards and approaches? Resolved


OpenSM™ is a holistic, business-oriented approach to Service Management, which helps you make sense of the growing landscape of best practices out there, and how you can best integrate them to add value to your business. It is therefore different in that it provides the ‘glue’ which helps you bring all of the different practices together and make best use of them. There is no other approach which fulfils this need.
OpenSM™ is also different in that it does away with the ‘one size fits all’ approach once and for all and instead facilitates a tailored approach, so that an organization can select different practices to establish an optimal Target Operating Model, depending upon the individual business situation.

OpenSM™ is also more business-oriented and less prescriptive than many of the other approaches out there, which makes it more accessible and easier to understand.

Posted 3 years agoby OpenSM
#3491 viewsEdited 3 years ago

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